Example Scenario

This is an example scenario. To create a new scenario, copy this file to a new file in this same directory ‘scenarios/’ then fill in your own content in the different sections.

Feedback: Scenario 1


The skill being practiced is giving feedback.


2 person


In this scenario one person will be the one giving the feedback and the other will be the one receiving the feedback. Both people should read the scenario.


Spend 3 minutes giving the feedback and responding, 2 minutes discussing.

Things to remember

Remember: You want to provide feedback, so that the student is aware of the issues and can work with you on finding solutions. You don’t want to provide solutions for the student.


Person 1: You are a professor leading a lab of 3 students and 2 postdocs. A third year student in the lab has been been working on a project for awhile and not making progress. The student is frustrated with their lack of progress, and you have to report out on the findings from this grant in 6 months in order to continue receiving funding. In your regular meetings with your student you notice that they keep using the same approaches and seem reluctant to try new approaches.

Person 2: You are a third year graduate student. You’ve been working on a project for awhile and are frustrated you’re not making progress. You are embarrassed though that you haven’t made more progress and don’t want to look bad to your professor or lab mates, but don’t know what to do to change things.

Reflection questions

Person 2: How did that feedback feel to you?
Person 1: How did giving the feedback feel to you? Anything you would have done differently?