
For a leadership workshop, the excercises are scenarios, where people can practice going through them, either reading and responding themselves, or practicing with a partner.

We’d like to develop scenarios that give workshop participants the chance to practice the things they have just learned in a module. For example, for the ‘Giving and receiving feedback’ module, you would want practice scenarios where you could practice giving feedback to someone and practice receiving difficult feedback.

Like any skill, only practice helps you get better! These scenarios in a workshop setting give you the space for that practice.

Scenario format

Each scenario has its own page. This is an example.

For each scenario include:

Skill: List the skill being practiced
Format: Is this an individual, paired or group exercise
Directions: Are there any particular directions?
Time:: How much time should participants spend on this exercise? How much on the scenario and how much on the reflection questions?
Scenario: The story of the scenario
Reflection questions: What questions might you ask yourself or others after the scenario?

Creating a new scenario

To create a new scenario

  • Clone repo
  • Copy the file scenario_example.qmd to scenario_NEWNAME.qmd
  • Edit scenario_NEWNAME.qmd (editing instructions)
  • Add the name of the new file to _quarto.yml
  • Push or put in a pull request to repo
  • You will see the file now included at URL

Editing the scenario.qmd files

The files for this book are written in Quarto. .qmd files are like R Markdown files. You can edit them in any text editor, or in the RStudio IDE.

Instructions on how to work with Quarto books locally is here: